The Freedom Project

Unique to West Lothian Women’s Aid, and run by our specialized Freedom Facilitator, the Freedom Project is an awareness raising program with the aim of empowering women impacted by domestic abuse.

The program aims to raise awareness of the complexities of toxic relationships through a variety of activities.

We aim to help women:

  • Build confidence and self-esteem to continue their journey ahead

  • Provide information that will help women understand and process what they have been through

  • Offers a safe and fully confidential space to talk openly and honestly without judgement

  • Help to understand the differences of a healthy relationship and how to recognise the beliefs held by an abusive partner

  • Help to recognise the early signs and red flags of an unhealthy relationship

Some invaluable feedback from women who have completed our Freedom course:

“I feel empowered that I made the right decision in leaving. Empowered in recognising the warning signs for future relationships”

“I feel good, I feel more confident going forward and feeling more safe and secure about future relationships”

"I feel like this programme has helped me to understand the signs of an unhealthy and healthy relationship and it helped me to gain confidence and understand my self-worth as a person”


Children & Young People